Frequently asked questions
If you require a 24Hr turnaround on your wheels/vehicles we would need it booked in prior just so we are ready for the workload on that certain day. However, if you are not in an immediate rush you are more than welcome to pop down and leave your goods with us and we will aim have them completed within a few days dependent on workload.
PowderFlo offers a one stop powder coating service. You can leave your vehicle with us and we will do everything from start to finish.
Any colour is an option at Powderflo. We have many wheels on display coated in the most popular colours we stock. If its something specific we can order from our suppliers, we can even match to a sample or a paint code.
At Powderflo all our powder coated finishes come with a life time guarantee for any flaking or paint deterioration. The guarantee does not cover any wear or tear caused by use such as any kerb damage which may occur after the refurbishment, nor are any stone chip damages included.
Diamond cut alloy wheels have a 6 month guarantee. This type of finish is more sensitive to damage and requires regular cleaning for it to last a life time. We see many new cars with diamond cut alloy wheels that are under 3 years old with corrosion and flaking lacquer. The reason for this is down to improper maintenance of the wheels throughout their life time, allowing brake dust to eat into the paint. We recommend you apply a good quality wax to the wheels once refurbished, and keep them washed once a week. You will have a very long lasting finish if you follow this rule.
We offer a number of finishes and services, which have various turnaround times. The estimated times are indicated below. (Due to rhythmic processes we use it’s highly unlikely these time frames will exceed, however if an anomaly was to occur the customer will be notified beforehand)
Powder coated finishes on single piece wheels – We offer a 24HR turn around on all vehicles/wheels which are booked in.
Diamond cut alloy wheels – Dependent on the extent of the damage we can repair some diamond cut wheels with a same day turnaround. However the majority is expected to take 2 days. Feel free to send us some pictures over and we can access and get back to you with a time frame.
Split rims – Split rims can take anywhere between 2-5 days dependent on the complexity of the wheels. Contact us with your requirements and we can advise the estimated turnaround time.
Advisory – Upon refurbishment and inspections of the wheels we can occasionally find wheels with issues such as buckles and cracks. If these are to be found the customer will be contacted and notified and asked if they’d like this repaired. This may alter the turnaround time. Common cars for these issues are BMW’s with Runflat tyres fitted, Range rovers and some aftermarket wheels.
Have a look at our pricing page for a detailed guide.